--------------authers views---------

best analysis and interesting logic's on social and political issues  ------we will try to upload articles on social and political issues. social thinking makes a person a planning what should be done so that the persons who make the society can get every facility of life. they must have to get essential things like food for them to eat, clothes to bear and the place where they can stay in the day and night. social issues bring the awareness for those who are working in the social fields. they will get to know the problems and their solutions that why everyone cannot get these things. what are their problems? what are the ways to solve them? the persons who do the social work can know and understand more and better than others. when the same persons will become leaders in politics then they can know better what should be done to get the necessities to everyone who needed the most.they can create a system in better ways so that these things can be given with priority to needy ones. if who has worked for many years do not take interest to become political leader then from their hard work we can not get the maximum use. actually, social work may be the base of success in the political field. how much they do better social services that much they may be a rise in the political field. we think that social work and politics are one and the same thing but in political persons have the power to do social work at the large scales. anyone can never do better if he has not work in the social field. we think that social field is a learning centre where we can know each and everything to become successful political leaders and do many time more welfare and work for people.


Unknown said…
we can not understand many those who have work hard to welfare others do not want to become a political leaders inspite of that people want them to be their leaders.

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