why the problem in political parties--mainly is selfishness

best analysis and interesting logic are on social and political issues--we think that the main problem is in the political parties may be due to selfishness. what is selfishness in political parties who will get the tickets for a member of parliament, assembly and others tickets to elect themselves for the party representative? it is clear to everyone that in every party there are many members/leaders who wanted tickets. if they have given a ticket to anyone the other persons do not accept and want a ticket. everything is clear to everyone but there is a clash in every party.  some or many of them if they do get it they are trying to get a ticket for election. it is total selfishness. actually, the meaning of politics is a game and an ideal game and in search of truth. that type of administration that everyone can get justice easily who is right. every political party is trying to get this goal. now it is not happening it means that right way of politics and their meaning have been changing. every one who is in politics has to perform their duty at what post he may be or he has any post or not to achieve that goal. that party who implement the way more as compared to another political party will win. no political party will be complete in all respect. that party who give the right answers without less difference of saying and execution and performance is having more right to win. people will also perform their duty to get more and more results.


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