--regarding land ecquirement bill---

best analysis and interesting logic's on social and political issues -we think that government of India is very much keen interested to make the land acquirement as a law and try to add all the 9 amendment suggested by the parliament but it appears to be that the farmers of the country are not accepting the bill as the n.d.a government thinks that they can convince the most of the farmers of the country. n.d.a government thinks that they have prepared the bill with great interest and hard work to safeguard the interest of the farmers but why they should need to accept the 9 amendments.it means that there may be more amendments needed to make a perfect bill to convert it into law by passing it from the parliament and not by ordinance. we think that if a land is acquired for defence purpose or by the government it may have different rules and regulations as compared to if it is acquired by the private industrialists. how can the farmers are satisfied cannot get in some losses if it is acquired by the government? it is a very big material and needs very much time to read properly. we also think that they should do all the things to acquire the land but the rules and regulation should be executed by the rule passed with the consent of almost everyone in the parliament as it is a concern of 60 to 70% populations of the country. by giving the royalty of the land is a very good idea. why the government do not want to acquire land on a lease basis. why state government should change some rules and regulations be with their convenience but it should be ensured by the central government that they should be changed in favour of the farmers. there should be no dispute in the families a clear and written set up should be provided in this regard viewing for all the circumstances. we are giving our view they may be right or wrong only the experts can tell what is right or wrong. these thoughts are collected by viewing t.v and reading new papers only.


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