----how to write and upload social articles------it is difficult. why?

best analysis and interesting logic's on social and political issues---we think that it is very difficult to upload social articles as it needs a perfection of the contents and improvement with their solution of that topic. it depends upon our knowledge and ability of that subject to whom we want to upload the articles. no one is efficient when they start uploading articles but if we try to go deep to find the truth in the things our articles which make us become more and more logical and interesting articles. interest has only been created when anyone finds the logic's which can have a convincing power. we think that the interest is automatically created as interesting things have the only meaning is logical. our practice hard work  and knowledge give the experience and confidence that what we have uploaded is best as no one can raise any question where it may be wrong. this quality of our articles that no one should raise any question give a practical shape to the things which we are raising in our articles. when we want to upload articles we should start to uploading while sitting on the desktop and upload the article on the idea which has come to our mind. it is the place where we can get more and more concentrations in spite of writing on a rough page or book and then upload in our blog or website. after -3 editing it may become the best article.


Unknown said…
if any thing is very difficult it does not mean impossible and only means we have to work hard more as it is difficult

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